Engagement and feedback
What are your expectations for my child’s engagement and the support that we as parents and carers should provide at home?
At Calcot schools we expect all children to engage in their remote learning on a daily basis. We understand the difficulties of learning remotely, alongside working parents, therefore we know that children will access the learning at different times of the day. Staff are always happy to mark and provide feedback to work if it is returned on Google Classroom, sent via email to the year group email account or if photographs of the work are sent in. Regular and timely feedback will be given to all children. Each day a year group google meet is held. All children are expected to come on-line for the meet. The teachers take a daily register during the live lessons and the daily meet to monitor which children are accessing their learning. For our EYFS children it is expected that the children will access the learning each day. Whilst a register isn’t taken in the same way, the staff monitor the work submitted each day and the level of interaction they have between children and staff. Each day they record who has completed work. We expect our Junior aged children to be able to access their remote learning with little help from their parent/s. This is because the combination of live learning sessions, clearly differentiated work and work pitched appropriately should ensure that it is accessible. Should they have difficulties, they are encouraged to message the teacher in the private comment section or email them. Our Year One and Two children will need some parental engagement at the start of each lesson. This is to help them log on and access the learning. Additionally, parents may need to be available to read through the instructions and information provided. Once the child understands their learning, we expect them to complete the work independently. Should they require a lot of support from home we ask that parents message the teachers and notify them of their child’s difficulties and their level of input. Parents of our EYFS children are asked to spend one to two hours working with their children each day on the activities set. These will be a combination of phonics, numbers, reading and writing and the other areas of the Early Years Curriculum. The parents are then asked to submit a photograph of their child at work to share with the staff. During Live sessions we ask that parents help to get their child logged on. For the first couple of sessions they may want to support their child as they become accustomed to this new way of learning. However, it is not our expectations that the parent is part of these short sessions.
How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?
Open Mornings
Calcot Infant School will be holding open mornings over the next couple of months to enable prospective families to view the school and get a taste of what our amazing school can offer.
Read moreOFSTED 2023
Our schools were inspected in 2023 and both schools were recognised for their excellent drive to provide children with an exciting, broad and balanced curriculum. It was commented upon that as pupils move through the school, there is a wealth of opportunities to enrich their lives, including lunchtime, after-school clubs, arts and sporting events.
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