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School Uniform

At Calcot Schools we think it important that the children wear school uniform in our ‘corporate colours’ i.e. our bright red tops look great.  Equally, we don’t get ‘fanatical’ if the red cardigan is from Sainsbury's or doesn’t have the school logo on as we know uniform is very expensive.

Items such as  grey shorts and trousers and gingham summer dresses can be purchased for a reasonable price at shops such as Marks and Spencer, Tesco, Sainbury’s and Next. Please make sure that all clothing is clearly and securely labelled – we gather many items of lost property which can’t be identified and returned to their owner every term.

Infants (Reception to Year 2)

Plain white polo shirt

or plain white long-sleeved shirt

or plain white long-sleeved blouse



Red tie

or no tie



Plain grey or black trousers

or plain grey or black skirt

or plain grey pinafore dress




Red jumper

or red jumper with school logo

or red cardigan

or no jumper




Sensible plain black flat school shoes

Juniors (Year 3 to Year 6)

Plain white long-sleeved shirt with red tie

or plain white long-sleeved blouse with red tie

or plain white polo shirt with no tie






Plain grey or black trousers

or plain grey or black skirt

or plain grey pinafore dress




Red jumper

or red jumper with school logo

or red cardigan

or no jumper



Sensible plain black flat school shoes


No trainers ● No sandals ● No face makeup ● No painted nails


No jewellery except ◌ earring studs in pierced ears ◌ sensible watches


Optional plain tights ● Optional sensible ◌ coat ◌ hat ◌ scarf ◌ gloves


In the summer (Easter until start of November)

  • Children are able to continue wearing the uniform listed above. However, they are also welcome-during the warmer months- to wear the summer uniform mentioned below.

  • Shirts and blouses can be short-sleeved

  • Option for plain grey or black shorts

  • Option for red and white gingham patterned dress

  • A range of uniform items including jumpers, cardigans, coats, backpacks embroidered with our school logo can be purchased directly from a local company. 


  • Or from these nationwide companies, or

  • Tilehurst Schoolwear (please see attachment below)


PE kit

All children should bring their PE kit into school in a named bag and it should include: black plimsolls or trainers, a red t-shirt, plain white or black shorts and a change of socks if required. During the winter months when weather can be colder, all children can bring in tracksuit top, preferably without a hood and tracksuit bottoms.

In the interest of hygiene and safety, long hair should be tied back. The wearing of jewellery (except watches and stud earrings) is not permitted. These items must be removed for P.E., games and swimming by the children themselves.


  • Nursery Spaces for 2,3 and 4 year olds

    As of September 2025 we are offering spaces for 2,3 and 4 year olds. Please contact the school office for more information.

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  • OFSTED 2023

    Our schools were inspected in 2023 and both schools were recognised for their excellent drive to provide children with an exciting, broad and balanced curriculum. It was commented upon that as pupils move through the school, there is a wealth of opportunities to enrich their lives, including lunchtime, after-school clubs, arts and sporting events.

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