It is our intent at Calcot Schools to provide all of our children with a high-quality education in computing which provides access to an ever changing and expanding digital world. We wish to develop a love of computing and provide children with the ability to enhance their knowledge, skills and understanding through different types of media whilst keeping safety at the forefront of their minds. We believe that this will give our children the tools they need to succeed in a digital world.
At Calcot Schools we deliver the Computing National Curriculum objectives through the Teach Computing scheme of learning as well as Purple Mash. Computing is organised into three core strands outlined in the National Curriculum: computational thinking, digital literacy and information technology.
An integral element of computing at our school is teaching children how to use the internet safely and responsibly both in the school and in the wider community. We aim to achieve this objective through termly assemblies and focused lessons throughout the school year. Additionally, across the school in Autumn 1 there will be a focus on using technology safely following the objectives set out in the National Curriculum for KS1 and KS2
At Calcot schools we want children to become digitally literate by developing a range of transferrable skills which can make them active participants in a digital world and prepare them for the world of work. We aim to encourage children to use, express themselves and develop their ideas through a range of information technology. A core aspect of our computing teaching will be the teaching of computer science in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. We aim to make explicit links to maths, science and design and technology.
At Calcot Schools we use computing as an additional tool within our lessons to help children become creative thinkers and access learning in a variety of ways. Lessons are planned to maximize learning potential and a variety digital devices will are used to support this when appropriate. Children have access to a variety of hardware such as Chromebooks, Tablets, Crumbles, Beebots and Microbits. The range of programs and apps children access throughout their time in the school allow them to build a bank of resources to support them in developing their learning and expressing their creativity. Children become digitally literate.
To enable all children to access the range of digital devices we have, children all have additional core skills lessons in line with the progression in core skills and programs documents. This is to enable children to become effective users of not just the software but also the hardware through the development of mouse and keyboard skills and ensure increasing challenge for children as they progress through school.
At times, areas of the computing curriculum is taught discreetly such as the beginning of the school year in which all children are asked to discuss and agree to the AUP. In addition, specific lessons relating to online safety, and personal information are taught to the children. A key priority with children is being taught what we mean by personal information, who should have access to it and how to keep it safe. Children are introduced to safe passwords, safe communication and what to do if they get that ‘uh oh’ feeling. In addition to discreet teaching, this continues to be implemented through other linked lessons and each time children access digital devices.
Discreet teaching will also, at times, be appropriate for areas of computer science to ensure children can become confident in the specialist areas of this. There will still be cross-curricular links where appropriate. Children are encouraged to be creative thinkers and designers by first accessing step by step guides of key program building in a range of programs/apps before creating their own designs in a variety of areas.
Our Computing Curriculum has been structured to demonstrate a progression of knowledge and skills and ensures that children can build on their understanding, as each new concept and skill is taught with opportunities for children to revisit skills and knowledge as they progress through school.
Children become digitally literate and are ready to confidently use technology at home and at school. We believe it is a skill that empowers, and one that all pupils should be aware of and develop competence in. Pupils who can think computationally are better able to create, understand and use computer-based technology, and so are better prepared for today’s world and future.
At Calcot Schools, we believe that Computing is a vital subject which prepares children to live in a world where technology is an intrinsic part of everyday life. For this reason, we feel it is important that children are exposed to a range of computing disciplines relevant to the National Curriculum and the wider world.
Throughout the delivery of the computing curriculum, a consistent emphasis is placed on developing children’s understanding of how to use computing safely and responsibly.
Nursery Spaces for 2,3 and 4 year olds
As of September 2025 we are offering spaces for 2,3 and 4 year olds. Please contact the school office for more information.
Read moreOFSTED 2023
Our schools were inspected in 2023 and both schools were recognised for their excellent drive to provide children with an exciting, broad and balanced curriculum. It was commented upon that as pupils move through the school, there is a wealth of opportunities to enrich their lives, including lunchtime, after-school clubs, arts and sporting events.
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