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Nursery Provision

We provide a variety of nursery sessions in order to meet the needs of our nursery children and their families. All children are able to attend nursery (free of charge) for fifteen hours a week. These hours can either be split across the week into daily morning or afternoon sessions or grouped into two and a half full days.

From September 2025 

Starting in September 2025, we will be expanding our nursery provision to include two-year-olds, alongside our current offerings for three and four-year-olds. Parents will have access to 15 or 30 hours of funding, depending on their eligibility. Additionally, parents may choose to pay for extra hours beyond their funded time. To check your eligibility for funded hours, please use the following link: Check eligibility for free childcare.

Our available session times for all nursery children (2-4years old) are as follows:

  • Core Hours: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

  • Extended Hours: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM

  • Full Wrap Around Care: 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM

Please be advised that we have a limited number of spaces available, so we would advise you to register for your child's place as soon as you are able.

Nursery Hours

Nursery Hours

Our morning sessions run from 8:45am to 11:45am each day.

Our afternoon sessions run from 11:45am through to 2:50pm. Your child will begin their session by having lunch with their friends so they will need to bring a packed lunch into nursery each day.

Our full day sessions run from 8:45am to 2:50pm each day. As mentioned above, your child will need to bring a packed lunch into nursery each day.

In September 2025 we are extending our nursery hours and we are pleased to offer wrap around care too. Wrap around care will begin from 7:30am and will finish at 5:30pm. Our core nursery hours will be 9am to 3pm.

Forest School 

On a Wednesday we visit our Forest School. Children who attend at the beginning of the week and in the morning will visit our Forest School from 10am-11.15am. Children who attend nursery at the end of the week and in the afternoon will visit our Forest School from 1pm-2.15pm. Children who attend for 30 hours will be split into two groups- one group will go in the morning and one group will go in the afternoon. When these children are not at Forest School, they will be with a nursery grown up, spending some time as a small group and playing games.

Please send your children into school with wellies in a named carrier bag, as well as a puddle suit, to avoid getting their clothes wet and muddy. Please also make sure all items are named so that it is easier to reunite missing items with their owner.


The children will have an opportunity to visit our school library and borrow a book weekly. Children who attend at the beginning of the week or in the mornings will visit the library on a Tuesday morning. Children who attend at the end of the week or in the afternoons will visit the library on a Thursday afternoon. Children that attend for 30 hours will be split into two groups and your child’s teacher will let you know which day they will visit the library.

Please make sure that your child’s library book is sent into nursery on their nursery day so that your child has the opportunity to change it.

What will my child learn in Nursery?

Our curriculum follows the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. There are seven areas of learning which are:

  1. communication and language
  2. physical development
  3. personal, social and emotional development
  4. literacy
  5. mathematics
  6. understanding the world
  7. expressive arts and design

Each day your child will have a variety of learning opportunities that cover these areas of learning. These will include teacher led inputs, small group learning and independent play and exploration.  Your child will be able to experience their learning through fun, interactive play which will be skilfully led and supported by our Nursery teacher and teaching assistants. In addition, your child will be taught phonics every day and enjoy taking part in singing and story telling sessions. Once a week our nursery children will visit our forest school area to take part in additional outdoor learning activities.

How will I know how well my child is doing?

We use Tapestry, which is a secure online learning journal to builds  a very special record of your  child’s experiences, development and learning journey through their early years  education. Using photos, videos and diary entries, our nursery staff, along with you -the child’s parents- ‘weaves’ the story of your child and how they are growing and developing.  All information held in the platform is stored securely, and can be downloaded and shared as required. You are able to view online your child’s progress and see how much fun they’re having,  whilst also uploading your own comments and media.

Each term we send home a curriculum letter, which outlines what we will teach during the term and we provide you with ideas and helpful information so you can support your child at home.  In addition, we send home a written report at the end of the year, with two two shorter reports that will inform you of your child's learning and development against the Early Years outcomes and developmental age bands.  You, of course, know your child the best so working with you as a partnership is essential in providing your child with the best provision, tailored to their individual needs.  We value your support and find that chatting regularly about your child is really beneficial so we available each day for a catch up but we also hold a termly parent-teacher consultation evening.


  • Nursery Spaces for 2,3 and 4 year olds

    As of September 2025 we are offering spaces for 2,3 and 4 year olds. Please contact the school office for more information.

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  • OFSTED 2023

    Our schools were inspected in 2023 and both schools were recognised for their excellent drive to provide children with an exciting, broad and balanced curriculum. It was commented upon that as pupils move through the school, there is a wealth of opportunities to enrich their lives, including lunchtime, after-school clubs, arts and sporting events.

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