At Calcot School we believe in developing a reading culture throughout the school by creating welcoming reading corners containing a wide range of quality texts, attractive book displays and material relating to our current topics. Children are encouraged to read for pleasure and understand the importance of reading as an essential life skill.
Our coloured banding reading scheme follows a clear progress through the levels of reading. Children work through the scheme at their own pace with the freedom to make their own reading choices. Children are assessed on an on-going basis as well as formal assessments at the end of every term. If your child experiences any difficulties with developing their reading skills, then extra interventions will be put in place to support their progress.
Click on the document below entitled 'reading book bands' to see how children progress through our coloured book bands.
Different types of reading experiences take place over a half term. These will include individual reading, guided groups, shared reading and reading diaries. Children are also encouraged to read about their current topic and there is a weekly session for them to change books in the school library.
Parents and carers are an integral part in the children’s reading journey. We encourage the children to read at home on a regular basis and communication between home and school is recorded in a 'Reading Record'.
At Calcot we celebrate World Book Day every year as part of our reading week. During this week the children take part in a variety of enriching activities designed to inspire them to read. This includes dressing up, visiting authors and story-tellers, reading scavenger hunts and baking themed cakes. We have also had visits from the Royal Shakespeare Company during which children studied and re-told classics such as A Midsummer Night's Dream and Macbeth through drama.
Open Mornings
Calcot Infant School will be holding open mornings over the next couple of months to enable prospective families to view the school and get a taste of what our amazing school can offer.
Read moreOFSTED 2023
Our schools were inspected in 2023 and both schools were recognised for their excellent drive to provide children with an exciting, broad and balanced curriculum. It was commented upon that as pupils move through the school, there is a wealth of opportunities to enrich their lives, including lunchtime, after-school clubs, arts and sporting events.
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